Sunday, December 25, 2011

lesson 1 (part A5)

A.5 Notice the use of a short answer.


Is john busy?

Yes, he is
Yes, he is means ‘yes, john is busy’ or ‘yes, he’s busy’.

Yes, iam

Yes, we are
Yes, you are.

Yes you are
Yes, he is.

Yes, they are.
Yes, she is

Yes, it is.

Be is not contracted when it is the last word in a sentence

Exercise 10. Practice the use of short answers. Answer the teacher’s question with an affirmative short answer.
Is the book green?    YES, IT IS
Is Mary a student?    YES, SHE IS.
Is she busy?                 YES, SHE IS
1.  Are the pencils red?
2. Is Mr. Miller tired?
3. Is Mr. Allen a lawyer?
4. Is Mrs. Allen a teacher?
5. Is Mary twenty years old?
6. Is Mary from Mexico?
7. Are john and Mary hungry?
8. Is Mary sleepy?
9. Is the book open?
10.   Is Mr. Miller in the room?

taken from: English Sentence Structure by Robert Krohn

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